Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Thinking and visualization of our house plan.

Finding the plan is sometimes hard, compare your needs vs. your wants and come up with a practical way to combine those to fit your family needs. I look through countless magazines and web sites. I usually can come up with my basic plan then combine them into something unique for us. I ride around a lot and take pictures. Patterns of your taste will become apparent.

Mentally live in the house. Walk from room to room. Stand on your lot and look out where the windows will be. Cook in the kitchen. Sit in the rooms think about where the doors look into... we once built a house that you could see into a hall bathroom from the kitchen...we could have flipped the bath and would have solved the problem! I literally get out my measuring tape and measure room size so that I know the size to make sure we will fit our furniture and ourselves into a room.

My husband usually draws our plan... he has a nifty program to help him... it is really cute because he even puts furniture in the room. I made fun of him until I realized how it helped me to decide about window and door placement. We have settled on our plan now and it will go to our architect and he will do the exterior elevations for us. We hope to try some new things and products in this house. We are interested in energy savings.... once this is all done we make our I like to call it my spending plan!

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